Friday, July 24, 2015

Entering a phone call: NWCOPRO

A vital part of running a wildlife control company is the phone call. The phone call component is for recording the events of the phone call. If the caller has called before you will be able to simply hit enter when you get a match and the rest of the matched info fills in. The more you use NWCOPRO the easier it gets!

There are also little icons present so you can see at a glance what type of phone call it is and you can set it to closed to remove it from your immediate view when loading.

NWCOPRO also has additional tabs in the phone log to show you visually on a Google map where your calls come from. Using the search feature you can pull out your calls by species and see where those type of calls came from, separate them by date and gain insights like no other software out there.

Another interesting feature is the zipcode correction button. If you entered a valid address the button creates a request to the us post office and generates a valid zipcode to include the 4 digit code. If the address you entered does not have a match, if for some reason you spelled the street name wrong or the wrong city the zipcode will return a dash, if you see a single dash instead of a zipcode, you can bet there is an issue with the address and more than likely Google will have an issue when rendering a map.

Finally, all calls get factored into the national statistics, again something absolutely no other software for wildlife control does...

I hope you enjoy using NWCOPRO and that it helps you understand your business information in new ways!


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